I working with a senior marketing candidate who's just done something I think is just outstanding . . . simple, easy . . . just brilliant.
I had previously written a post about how a free online service called Dropbox can help add dimension and depth to your resume, cover letter and/or portfolio, without adding additional pages. As I said previously, "It would be terrific if there was a place to "host" those compliments, recommendations, white papers and other media files, so that they could easily be incorporated into letters of introduction and resumes." Dropbox provides this ability. Check out more thoughts on Dropbox and resumes/portfolios and cover letters here.
The new idea that's so simple, is voice. That's right . . . use your own voice to create a short (60-90 second) verbal pitch for yourself. You can provide a verbal overview and add context to a resume. You can highlight one or two brief case studies . . . If you're applying for a specific position and know the name of the hiring manager, you can even introduce yourself specifically to the job and call the hiring manager by name! You can deliver a "call to action" . . . Ask that hiring manager to give you a call to hear more! Imagine the impact!
This works with more than introductions during the employment search. Imagine a verbal introduction to accompany introducing yourself to a new client . . . There are endless opportunities to utilize this.
In addition to your other qualifications, background and skills, you've now set yourself apart from the competition by being clever, and obviously in control of current technology. I just love the idea of being able to highlight specific career achievements that directly relate to the position you're applying for.
You can also create your own "elevator pitch" for use in other social media applications. You can add links to the Dropbox hosted sound files to your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts . . . or send a tweet with sound! You'll think of more ways to use this . . .
Most of us have a micropohone built into our computers . . . we can create sound files instantly. Dropbox is a free place to host those files, and allow you to use them in your career enhancement efforts. My goal is to figure this out for myself in the next several days. When I do, I'll post the solution with a litle added "voice encouragement".
Depending on the usage, for example a link on LinkedIn that was more of a "generic" introduction of yourself, or if you're not a terrific speaker, you might spend a modest amount of money and have professionals assist you. For the charges of one hour of studio time and some editing, you might be able to get this done for $200.00 or less.
I have total faith that my readers are clever enough to figure this out. If you decide to utilize this idea, please send me a link when it's finished! I'd love to hear what you have to say!