It's once again time for any of you who are interested in contributing to REBUS and helping your own career at the same time to join us in concepting and planning for next year. Rodgers Townsend has once again generously agreed to let us use their facilities and cosmic conference room to plan what's up next for REBUS. We want your input and then, we hope you'll help.
We're having trouble deciding which promotional copy to go with for this event. I thought I'd just see which you prefer! Hope to see you at RT on Wednesday evening, the 13th. We need you and we want you! Please RSVP on Facebook.
• We’ve taken desperate measures. Without volunteers, REBUS is without hope, without air, without a chance in this dark world. In our desperation, we’ve turned to a life of crime, and have taken Mr. Snuggle-Whiskers hostage. But believe it or not (and we would suggest not), you can do something about it! You can stop this madness! You can free us from our despair and save Mr. Snuggle-Whiskers from a ghastly end! Join us at our annual volunteer planning meeting at Rodgers Townsend at 6pm on July 13th, to learn a little bit about how volunteering with REBUS could help you with your career, and save us from our despair. It may just be enough to save Mr. Snuggle-Whiskers.
• You want to volunteer? How self-centered, vain, and inconsiderate of you. Clearly, you know that volunteering with REBUS can give you tons of contacts in the world of advertising, great insights into the trade, and put you ahead in your career. Oh, you would want to volunteer you narcissistic, conceited, brown-noser. We’ll see you at 6pm on Wednesday, July 13th at Rodgers Townsend for our annual volunteer meeting, please bring your enthusiasm…and your ego.
Thanks to Tipper O'Brien for the copywriting . . .