Marketing executive search, executive headhunter or executive placement? Call us what you will . . . But call, because recruiters succeed! Why (or How) do recruiters succeed when the actual Employers when the actual employer can have so much trouble doing the same thing? The answer is simple . . . Time.
Retained Recruiters are able to spend the time necessary to identify, recruit and hire the top performers in any specialty, at any level and at any place . . . staying focused and engaged until the search is successfully completed. Employers can’t afford to spend the real amount of time required, even if they have dedicated recruiters on staff.
I’ll also say right now, that a major difference between a contingent executive recruiter and a retained one, is the ability to spend more time, because the retained recruiter is already being compensated. For the purposes of this article, highlighting recruiting success, please understand I’m talking about retained recruiters like Bishop Partners.
The contingent recruiter has to race to get the resume in front of the employer faster, before another recruiter or even the Employer’s own posting identifies a candidate! They simply cannot spend the time necessary to actually develop a relationship with a candidate and understand that candidate’s career vision, values and goals.
Taking the time for that understanding is one of the most critical reasons retained recruiters succeed. (I’m proud to be able to say that Bishop Partners has achieved 100% success with retained searches, over the past 14 years.)
Retained recruiters are able to spend the time necessary, with the Employer/Client to gain a full understanding of that Client’s own vision, values, goals and most important, culture. Recruiters should know and understand the Client’s org chart and/or reporting structure. Knowing the supervisor (or VP) that a candidate reports to will make a difference. I try to get to know a Client’s culture and the job so well, that during some conversations with candidates, I inevitably say “we” . . . rather than “they”.
Similarly, spending time talking with the candidate and nurturing the relationship helps develop the foundation to build a critically important, trusted relationship. A good recruiter comes to been as an advisor, who has the candidate’s best interest in mind . . . because we do. Working in a niche specialty like we do, is an additional benefit for both candidates and clients.
It’s essential to be open and honest . . . truthful. The relationship must be genuine. The benefit of a trusted relationship is invaluable during the offer stage. The Candidate and Client can both be more frank with the Recruiter, who will then help negotiate the offer . . . while anticipating a counter offer.
It’s only after spending the time necessary, to understand both the Client and Candidate’s vision, values and goals to know whether or not there will be a culture fit. Specific experience and skills are generally easy to identify and understand. They should be considered the table stakes. It’s those intangibles that ultimately make all the difference in the chances of a new employee staying and professionally growing with the Employer.
If a contingent recruiter develops a new “Job Order” that is perceived as “easier to fill”, that contingency recruiter will naturally spend time on that order. They have to make money too, it’s not a tough call to understand they’ll migrate to the search that’s “easier or quicker to fill”.
If you have a position that you’ve had difficulty filling or that’s costing you revenue because you can’t find someone to fill it, call Bishop Partners. If you have a search that needs to be confidential, we can help. We have consulted with Company Owners/Partners/CEO or Presidents, to help strategize and execute succession plans.
We will meet with you and help identify, develop a strategy and then execute that strategy for filling the open position and keeping (or getting) your growth on track.
. . . Just call us!