My 22nd Anniversary of Helping!
Wow! I can’t believe that I’ve been a recruiter for 22 years and I’m still loving it as much as I always have! I consider myself very lucky, being able to make a good living by helping my Clients and Candidates grow, improve or move forward in some way. It’s extremely professionally satisfying to be sincerely thanked for the role I played in talent acquisition or career advancement.
I’m really proud of the reputation earned over these decades of work. I’ve always tried to add value to every person or company I’ve come in contact with. Sometimes that help is a conversation and sometimes it consulting, either cultural for a Clients or career for Candidates. It’s always extremely gratifying! I consider myself very lucky!
That reputation is now leading to marketing leaders (both agency and brand) all over the US, getting in touch with me. They trust me with their resume to discreetly help them identify their next career chapter. These leaders range from the CEO, CMO level to CDs, Analysts or Project Managers (virtually every title at ever level) who’ve have heard I might be able to help. I’m talking about Presidents of Global agencies or holding companies to those who’ve just graduated. It’s flattering and it’s fun! I like to think it’s karma. Good things happen when you consistently treat people with respect.
I’m looking forward to more years of helping agencies and corporations and candidates increase their capabilities or capacities. I’m very proud to be able to feel like a true partner. It’s why my company’s name is Bishop Partners . . . Thank you very much!