I’m consistently hearing the frustration in the voices of candidates looking for a new job. They’re becoming more and more frustrated with the process. Sometimes, absolute premier performers’ interest in and application for open positions receive zero response or even acknowledgement of an application being received. Candidates are frequently ignored or treated with rude disrespect.
In June of this year, I decided to see for myself how applicant candidates are treated. I found that the problem is bigger than I was imagining. I was surprised and dismayed, when employers consistently ignored my application (for Executive Recruiter). I didn’t even receive an acknowledgement of my application by most employers. I never heard from most of them at all. Way less than half even bothered with a dismissive I’m “No Longer Being Considered”. No “Thank You” . . . nothing. Most didn’t bother to respond.
A couple of days ago, I was doing some work on LinkedIn, when a candidate I know posted the following article. Greg is a very insightful marketing researcher and data analyst. He posted a message on his LinkedIn Profile, that he’s given me permission to share with you. My goal is to get the attention of employers and help them understand how uncaring, rude and disinterested they treating people! I can only hope that they're not aware of what's happening.
The candidates who have applied to work with that company have shown interest in learning more about them and (hopefully) finding ways to add value and contribute to their culture and profit. The fact that so many just don’t seem to care, is disconcerting! In this age of AI, bots and ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) doing preliminary screening of resumes, you’d think they could at least send an auto-response thanking that candidate for their interest and time spent applying to work with (or more likely, for) them!
Greg Berger’s Original article posted August 22, 2024 on LinkedIn. Numbers below updated September 23, 2024.